Super Low-G Martian Arts
Travel to Phobos, a moon of Mars, for a spectator sport unlike any other. Aerial gymnastics, complete with flips, "flying," and mid-air summersaults characterise this athletic contest. After a match, step into the ring yourself to give it a whirl.
The more I talk about it, the bigger it gets!
Situated in orbit around Mars, named after the Greek god of war, the same god that Mars was named after, the Ares Array is the second largest radio telescope in the Solar System.
The Ares Array is the oldest orbiting telescope still in use and was constructed 150 years ago. It consists of nine satellite dishes, each five times the diameter of the Arecibo radio dish on Earth. They are mounted on a frame with a final smaller dish pointing at Mars that collects the data once the array has finished with it.
Along one side is a spinning cylinder which is the only habitable part of the array. The spin simulates the same gravity as Mars (0.378 that of Earth) and the cylinder houses offices and living quarters to anyone living 'on-site'.
Most people however live near by on Surf station.
The only telescope bigger than the Ares Array is Poseidon's Child that shares the orbit of Neptune with the planet itself. A larger array is planned to be built at the edge of the Oort cloud to allow the comet miners to communicate with the Solar System since it's five astronomical units away.
The Ares Array like all other telescopes is at the present waiting for the 'firework' and will give it it's complete attention for the entire duration. Depending when Betelgeuse goes supernova, if Poseidon's Child is on the wrong side of the Solar System at the time, the Ares Array is quite likely to get the first and possibly best view.
The Ares Array carries six space ships which are named after the six space shuttles of the 20th century. Each ship is used to go to a different place largely due to its name.
Instead of being in competition with Poseidon's Child, the two arrays work together and have greatly increased our understanding on the Universe.
Job Offer
When electronic items are built repairs it is inevitable from time to time. As time goes by, more repairs need to be made and circuits are cross wired or adjusted or upgraded.
On the older bases of the Mars and outer planets trading post, it has got to the state where the circuits bear absolutly no resemablance to the available circuit diagram. Without an up to date one the technicains don't dare touch anything. It is even thought than an up to date one would be much too confusing to be of much use.
We need someone to muddle through all the curcuits on the bases between Mars and Uranus and either return them to the avalible circuit diagram or simplify them as much as possible and draw a new curcuit diagram. They would then be needed to be around to make sure this never happens again.
Job requirements
The requirements for the job is and Masters grade in the SWAAE in electrionics or the equivilent of higher in other exams.
If you are interested you will need to take five minute test to prove your skills in trading. If you pass a request will be sent to Cassini Station from your nearest Mars and outer planets trading post communications satellite. Transport from where ever you are to Cassini station will be paid for and arranged.